Classifieds posting rules -
- Only classified ads intended for this country are allowed to be added: Ireland, English language!
- It is prohibited to add classified ads that offer a nonspecific item or service. Do not post general classified ads, such as "I offer Work at home", "Computer work", "Work on the internet", "Administrative work", "Data entry", "Home typist" - the classified ad content must be more specific, for instance, so that it is clear what job it is EXACTLY...
- Do not add the same or very similar classified ad (do not advertise the same product or service) more than once in 30 days!
- It is prohibited to post classified ads containing coarse language, offensive statements, meaningless and deceptive classified ads, classified ads promoting illegal drugs, gambling, online casinos, prescription drugs, tobacco products, smoking, alcohol, copying of data carriers, GCE papers, graduate thesis, discrimination, racism, violence, ads that contain audio text numbers (eg. phonesex, SMS games / competitions) or any other content that promotes illegal activities, violates human rights, or is in contradiction with good manners.
- It is prohibited to advertise websites or services that function on the principle of referral programs, affiliate programs, partner programs, provision programs, network marketing, MLM systems, or classified ads promoting "Fast earnings without work", "Paid to click links / ads / emails", "Paid surfing".
- It is prohibited to post classified ads promoting the sending of leaflets or e-mails (whether by post or via e-mail), or promoting paid to read emails / ads / pages.
- It is prohibited to post classified ads typed exclusively or mostly in capital letters.
- Classified ads with sexually explicit content (erotic text, images) may only be added to the "Erotic", "Sex" or "Personals" categories. In erotic classified ads, erotic content is permitted, but pornographic content and pictures showing genitals, sex acts, sexual intercourse are strictly prohibited. Classified ads containing phrases such as "Request or offer sex for money, sex for favors", "Promote prostitution" are permitted only in accordance with the law of the Ireland!
- It is prohibited to post classified ads containing phrases such as "For more information send an e-mail" and the like. Text of the classified ad may contain as much as 1000 characters, which is enough for you to express what you want. Requesting e-mails from visitors of the site is strictly forbidden.
- It is prohibited to add a classified ad containing a www address (URL), telephone number or e-mail directly in the title or the text of the classified ad. For these contacts, there are fields in the section "Your contact data".
- All classified ads will be checked by our administrators. If any of the mentioned rules are violated, your classified ad will be deleted (without prior notification), or even complete cancellation of your user account on this portal may occur.
- If an illegal content is added or if the Portal or other person / firm is impaired, any information about you, including your IP address, may be provided to competent bodies and the party impaired and may be used against you within criminal proceedings.